Employee TotalCare

Comprehensive healthcare for your employees

A digital and in-person health and wellbeing programme for your workforce, all in one place


Top talent, deserves top healthcare


Of employees likely to quit their jobs in the next 6 months

McKinsey Survey of Employees Nov 2022

149.3 mil

Est 149.3 million working days were lost because of sickness/injury in UK in 2021, equivalent to 4.6 days per worker


1 mil

Almost 1 million women have left a job because of menopause symptoms

Chartered institute of Personnel Development


The cost to employers of poor mental health increased to £56bn in 2020-21


>10 mil

Over 10 million people are drinking at levels above the official guidelines and putting themselves at extra risk

Yougov Survey

What is Virtually TotalCare?

Totalcare provides support for your employees from all locations. Whether at work, clinic sites or virtually, TotalCare covers them.

TotalCare is seamless end-to-end-provision of all your employees’ health and well-being needs (in-patient hospital care will be delivered by our partner hospitals).

It supports you the employer to build and retain a loyal, happy, and productive workforce.

Our six pillars

Specialist and GP consultations

Virtually will provide  digital and in-person consultations with GPs and consultant specialists.

Fast access within 1 working day for a GP and 5 working days for a consultant is guaranteed.

This includes arrangements for investigations, prescription and referral to an approriate hospital.

Allied health professional consultations

Consultations with allied health professionals such as physiotherapy, counselling and podiatry can be included in your health programme.

Occupational health

Virtually will arrange pre-employment health and fitness to work assessments.

Illness prevention

Virtually’s prevention programme includes tracking your employee’s physical health status and arranging a medical consultation when this is clinically appropriate.

Mental & physical wellbeing

Virtually tracks your employee’s mental health on a weekly basis through thier personal health organiser and reaches out to them to offer support when a trend becomes apparent.

This early intervention prevents progression to mental illness and reduces absence rates.

Annual personalised health screening

Virtually offers an annual personalised health assessment for your employees in-person at your workplace to make screening more convenient.

The annual assessment includes a clinical questionnaire, physical examination and investigations.

Each employee will be given a personalised screening plan based on a calculation of thier risk of developing a condition.

Why choose Virtually TotalCare

Demonstrate you value your employees by providing a comprehensive health programme that gives them the benefits they want.

Direct access to your clinical team

Fast availability of appointments

Clinics in your workplace

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Convenience when you need it

No forms, no bureaucracy

Single medical record

Easy access via app or web

Through a mobile or web application your employee will have a “single point of access” for all their health needs whether this is tracking symptoms and lifestyle, mental health wellbeing support, health coaching, undergoing personalised health screening or seeing a GP, specialist or allied health professional virtually or in-person.

Prevention of illness and promotion of wellbeing

TotalCare’s prevention and early detection model will upstream your employee health programme and reduce the impact of poor employee health on your business.

Daily health tracking

Virtually tracking your employee’s health status on a daily basis through Virtually’s personal health organaiser and reaching out to them early when an adverse trend becomes apparent prevents illness and reduces absence.

Predict ill health

Virtually’s digital solution predicts warning signs of impending ill health enabling our clinicians to intervene before they escalate into a condition needing treatment.

Personlised care planning

Employees are encouraged to set goals, actions and targets to improve their physical and mental health as part of their personalised care plan. The employee can track progress to targets through their personal health organiser.

Motivational health coaching

Your employee will receive motivational health coaching to achieve their care plan targets in video or in-person meetings with their Virtually personal health coach.

Our health coach will track your employee’s progress and send messages through the app when appropriate.

Rewards scheme for reaching goals

The Virtually platform enables an employer to build a Rewards scheme into your corporate health programme to give recognition to your employee when they achieve their care plan targets.

Workforce health observatory

Virtually staff monitor trends in the overall health of your workforce in your health observatory on Virtually’s digital platform.

This real-time information supports you the employer to make proactive interventions before workforce health trends become problems that impact on your business performance.

Virtually’s Employee Health Enablement Team will support you in analysing your organisation’s data and designing appropriate interventions at a workforce level.

Use your organisation’s health observatory and reporting suite to build real time insights into the health and well-being of your staff.

Annual Health Screening

Predict, Prevent and Proact.

We come to you

Helath screening and tests can be conducted at your workplace to save your employee time and you, money.

Personalised health screening plan

Each employee will have a personalised screening plan based on their calculated risk score which includes lifestyle and hereditary factors.

Treating abnormal tests

Any treatment or intervention required from screening will be seamlessly provided by the appropriate Virtually specialist.

Workforce disease registers

New diagnoses and condition registers (anonymised) for you the employer to monitor number of new conditions diagnosed in your workforce through the screening programme.

Medical examination, tests and treatment for health concerns

Available Clinicians

Your employee can see a GP, consultant specialist or an allied health professional such as a physiotherapist or counseller on video or in-person. GP and AHP appointments are offered within one working day and consultant specialist appointments within 5 working days.


Self-booking for a video or in-person appointment through the Virtually app removes bureacracy and saves your employee time.

Examination, tests and treatment

Virtually clinicians offer appropriate medical examination, a full range of investigations, prescription and surgical procedures.


Virtually’s Patient Support Team will support your employee to arrange tests, obtain medication prescribed and any other apsect of the healthcare process on our HelpDesk. Your employee can access this through their Virtually dashboard.

Fast appointments

GP and AHP appointments are offered within one working day and consultant specialist appointments within 5 working days.

Qualified and UK regulated clinicians

All are clinicians are registered with thier appropriate UK professional regulator.

They take part in Virtually’s clinical governance and quality programme and have an annual appraisal.

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Advantages of Virtually’s model

Virtually’s digital platform enables your employees to track their lifestyle, well-being, and health which in turn enables our clinicians to identify those that are at risk of becoming unwell and make interventions which may range from a simple message alert to the offer of a consultation with the appropriate clinician.

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Clinical and Wellbeing

We are a provider of clinical and well-being services, we’re not simply a health insurer.

This means that your employee can rapidily access health care and advice from the right clinician without needing a GP referral or going through a bureacratic claims process.

Unlike health insurance, your organisation only pays for health and wellbeing services your employees use, not for services they don’t use.

By managing health concerns and conditions in-house through a single-point-of-access and providing effective disease prevention and well-being interventions, the number of claims your organisation makes on your health insurance may be reduced. This could enable you to negotiate savings on PMI premiums which could be ploughed back into direct access in-house clinical services.

Supporting your workforce with the health concerns that matter to them  makes them feel valued and creates loyalty to your organisation, alignment with your objectives, and a stronger culture.

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Seamless and Integrated

Virtually’s disease prevention, wellbeing, health coaching, screening, and consultation and treatment services are integrated and seamless. 

This means that a bureaucratic referral process between clinicians is not necessary and employees are able to book directly into the service they need through a convenient single-point-of-access.

Virtually’s Patient Support Team will help your employee to choose an appropriate clinician for their health concern.

All elements of Virtually’s health programmes are integrated which means clinicians and Virtually staff involved in the care of your employee have access to their Virtually medical record and communicate and co-ordinate their care of your employee through the Virtually platform.

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Engages Employees

Virtually’s health programmes use a number of methods including rewards and games to increase employee engagement with organisational health programmes.

By increasing engagament, Virtually creates stronger programme outcomes and greater return on your investment in workforce health and well-being.

Virtually’s health tracker and personal health organiser raises patient activation measure (PAM) which is associated with better health outcomes for the individual and greater satisfaction levels with health services. Please ask for more information on PAM scores.

Engaged employees that are utilising your health programme and getting the benefits they want will increase loyalty, change your organisational culture and increase your business performance.

High Standards

High standards of clinical governance and compliance with regulations

All Virtually’s clinicians are registered with their UK professional regulator.

Our managers have worked in the NHS and carry out clinical governance to national standards.

Continuous quality improvement is at the core of how we work and our long-term relationship with you.

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Customisable and flexible

Virtually’s health and well-being programme are customised to address your workforce challenges and support your human resources change strategy.

Virtually offers simple and flexible health solutions customised to align with your business needs.

Our model is flexible and agile and can be changed when your business needs or budgets change.

Your employee health programme can be rapidily improved when new insights are gained through your organisation’s health observatory and reporting suite.

Whether you need a focussed offer, or an end-to-end TotalCare solution, Virtually’s Employee Health Improvement Team will work with you to create an effective programme that your employees utilise and value and which works for you as the employer.


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Personalised care

Your employee receives personalised care based on their health risks and preferences. 

Improve morale and motivation in your organisation by providing a personalised health programme that your employees utilise and value.

Traditional healthcare solutions for employees often based on medical insurance (PMI) feel confusing and difficult to access for staff.

Most staff don’t engage or utilise with their employer’s programme which is not a good use of your financial resources.

Virtually’s model and simple to use app increases employee engagement and utilisation which creates value for your employee and your business.

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Customising your organisation programme

The findings of your health needs assessment helps you to set goals and targets for your employee health programme which Virtually will work to. This health needs assessment creates a baseline against which to measure improvements.

Step 1

We begin by using Virtually’s proprietary health and well-being needs assessment methodology to build a data driven map of your workforce’s unmet health and wellbeing needs and their preferred forms of health and wellbeing support.

Step 2

We then develop a clear understanding of your organisation’s workforce challenges and change strategies and how a health and wellbeing programme could support you in meeting those challenges or delivering your change strategy.

Step 3

We review the measures outcomes and returns on your existing health programmes.

Step 4

We co-design and agree your organisation’s health programme with you and commence a pilot phase for a limited number of staff.


We review clinical outcomes through your organisation’s health observatory and reporting suite and conduct a survey of your employees to measure satisfaction levels.


This review is done jointly with you after 6 months to create a shared understanding of benefits and shortcomings and to make any improvements needed.

Step 5

Once changes have been made to the programme derived from learning in the pilot phase begin roll-out of your programme to all staff and family if you wish to cover them.

Step 6

Re-design and re-configuration of your organisation’s Virtually Totalcare pathway including service levels annually.

Virtually’s model is flexible. For example, if you wish to continue with your medical insurance cover (PMI) for now, you can opt of the consultation, care and treatment arm of the solution. Your programme will be priced for what you include.

Your dedicated Employee Health Improvement Team and Implementation Manager will get to know you and your organisation. This team includes clinicians, a data analyst, a user interface designer, and a software developer to help you customise and continuously improve your programme. This team will be supported by Virtually’s project management office.

Measure and track outcomes and returns for the employer

Virtually will provide the employer access to a real time reports and data dashboard and health condition registers which you can use to measure and track

  • Employee engagement, health behaviour changes, and outcomes.
  • Number of employees with a specified set of conditions and new conditions diagnosed through the screening programme.
  • Employee outcomes to calculate return on investment and estimate intangible benefits.

About Virtually

We are a hybrid organisation which develops innovative technical solutions to meet the needs of patients and clinicians and we are also a CQC registered provider of clinical services.


We are an NHS-approved supplier and have a place on the following NHS frameworks:

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NHS Digital’s Buying Catalogue

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NHS England’s DFOCVC

- Digital First, Online Consultation and Video Consultation Framework
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Business Information Standards Framework

- NHS Digital
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ISO 27001

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Innovate UK

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Health Service Systems Framework

- NHS England
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G-Cloud 12 Framework

- Crown Commercial Suppliers
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Digital and Outcomes 4

- Crown Commercial Suppliers
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Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT)

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Request a demo

Are you an employer who wants to provide a health programme for your employees?