For employers and insurers

Virtually TotalCare for employers.

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Virtually provides customised care pathways which encompass consultation, treatment, prevention and health coaching for organisations and employers wanting to give their staff access to fast, convenient and high-quality health and wellbeing care.

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Steps to developing a healthcare offer for your staff.

Step 1

The deployment of a health service for an organisation begins with a careful assessment of the health needs of the staff of the client organisation including a review of demographic and health data and completion of a structured questionnaire to ascertain what health services staff would like.

Step 2

An integrated and seamless pathway or package of care will be configured encompassing primary (GP), secondary (consultant) and mental health care including any prevention and health coaching required.

Step 3

A pilot phase involving a sample of your staff.

Step 4

Review of clinical outcomes and satisfaction levels of your staff in the pilot phase.

Step 5

Re-design and re-configuration of your organisation’s Virtually Totalcare pathway including service levels.

Step 6

Go-live of service to all your staff and family if you wish to cover them.

Right clinician, First time.

TotalCare is a digital-first model which utilises Virtually’s AI enabled software solutions for consultation and triage so that a patient sees the “Right clinician, First time”. Patients that want or need in-person consultation and care are seen in a consulting room on the client organisation’s premises or at a Virtually facility.

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Virtually TotalCare for health insurers

Virtually offers value-based, digital first integrated clinical services to health insurers to enable them to provide fast, convenient care navigation and consultation and treatment for your covered lives and to avoid clinically unnecessary costs and manage your expenditure.

Need more info?

If you would like information on our value-based care offer please get in touch with Mani Raman (